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ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2022On the theme of “ASEAN- A Community of Peace and Shared Future”


The Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia has a great honor to inform the public that with an approval of the Royal Government of Cambodia and a nation-wide COVID-19 vaccination administration to be completed by the end of 2021 and we are ready to host ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2022 under the theme of "ASEAN — A Community of Peace and Shared Future" toward tourism recovery and reopening our region in a more resilient, sustainable and responsible future, which will be held in Preati Sihanouk province (Sihanoukville) from 16th – 22nd January 2022.

The ATF 2022 incorporates ASEAN Tourism Ministers Meetings, ASEAN NTOs Meetings, ASEANTA Meetings, relevant meetings and conferences, and TRAVEX. TRAVEX is the largest ASEAN Tourism Business Platform that will be held from 19th - 20th January 2022 and will be attended by over 100 sellers, 100 buyers, and 50 national and international media.

In this connection, the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia is pleased to invite the relevant institutions, tour operators, development partners, the public, tourism communities and media to actively attend the above-mentioned event and to widely join and promote our unique tourism products aimed at tourism recovery after the COV1D-19 pandemic and the reopening of our region.



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