In ICST 4.0 we are having Speakers, participants and moderators from many countries around the globe representing various industries, interests, fields of work and areas of expertise.

DSc. PhD. Eng. Grzegorz Sierpiński, prof. SUT

He is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology. He is also the Head of Department of Transport Systems and Traffic Engineering and Rector's Proxy for the Priority Research Area: Smart Cities and Future Mobility. He is the author and co-author of over 230 publications, including articles in scientific journals and chapters in monographs at home and abroad. Scientific editor of several monographs. He has conducted scientific and research works. In his scientific interests, he combines the problems of road traffic engineering (including traffic analysis and forecasting, modeling of transport systems and optimization of transport networks) with shaping travel behaviors in cities.

Dr. Paritosh Nandi

Dr. Paritosh Nandi is a Ph.D. in Solar Energy Engineering and a Certified Energy Manager and Certified Energy Auditor by the Ministry of Power, Government of India. He has authored several publications in Scientific Journals, Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports. He is also a reviewer of articles for international journals like 'Energy', 'Solar Energy', 'Journal of Cleaner Production', 'Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review' and 'Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy of American Institute of Physics'. He is the publisher and Editor of the magazine "Sustainable Energy Review".

Mr. Vijay Kumar Jhalani

Currently a practicing Advocate, Sri Jhalani was the Past Chairman of the Northern Indian Regional Council of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He has also been a Government nominated member in the Central Council of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and is serving his 2nd term as a Government nominated member in the Central Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Claus Andersen

Claus hails from Faaborg in Denmark and has been continuously on the road since 1987. His passion is cycling around the world, so when he is not travelling on work, he often sets off on his bicycle for a solo trip in new places and amidst unknown people. He has cycled thousands of kilometers in every corner of the globe. He believes cycling is more about mental health and less about physical strength. He also takes interest in football, art, movies, craft beer, hiking, gender equality and history and is often invited at various forums to speak about these issues.

Ms. Olga Mamonova

Russian Sociologist and Journalist, Olga is a Ph.D. in sociology from the Moscow State University, Russia (2002) and an M.Phil. in Sociology and Health Care from De Montfort University, UK (2004). She is a member of International and European Sociological Associations as well as the Russian Society of Sociologists. She has authored more than 60 scientific and popular science publications, including scientific monograph. For several years she worked in scientific journals as a scientific editor, before coming to market research (offline and online since 2012) and the tourism industry and is currently working with Baginet Sales and Marketing Agency.

Dr. Sheeba Hamid

Sheeba Hamid is Professor in Tourism at Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh . She has teaching experience of more than twenty years . She has authored five books and published more than thirty five papers . She has organised Conferences , Workshops , Training Programmesand handled delegations.She is a keen traveller and is associated with a number of universities in various academic assignments.

Dr Paritosh Nandi

Dr. Paritosh Nandi is a Ph.D. in Solar Energy Engineering and a Certified Energy Manager and Certified Energy Auditor by the Ministry of Power, Government of India. He has authored several publications in Scientific Journals, Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports. He is also a reviewer of articles for international journals like 'Energy', 'Solar Energy', 'Journal of Cleaner Production', 'Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review' and 'Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy of American Institute of Physics'. He is the publisher and Editor of the magazine "Sustainable Energy Review".